Monday, February 18, 2008

we make banana muffins

so, i figure this is as good of a place to start as any. lucy, jett, and i made banana chocolate chip muffins. lately i feel as though we've had one of those life spurts; all of a sudden lucy is a little girl telling me about how much she likes flowers, and rainbows, and puppies, and ponies. and jett is saying "mama mama mama" following me around the house. all this growing up goes on and on whether i do anything about it or not. i say this because i noticed, as we were deep in muffin making, that lucy was actually helping, instead of just "helping".

the only reason i buy the large bunches of costco bananas... so that half of them can go bad and i can make goodies! lucy peeled these herself and attempted the mashing.

lucy's favorite part of kitchen help. she is really very excited about the chocolate. in later years when she discovers she can pair it with a pepsi she'll have true bliss. (blame my mom)

the finished product! lucy is pointing at the one she wants; the muffin with the most visible chocolate. that's my girl!

ahhh! "delicious"!

whoops... looks like someone else is enjoying the chocolaty goodness. a stray chip found it's way into jett's mouth... doesn't look so guilty to me.

i hate to say it but john was pleasantly pleased to find fresh baked goodies when he came home from work that day... probably says something about my domestic-less-than-perfectedness. so here is my domestic goal: if i can't have part of the house in reasonable order, at least have something delicious in the kitchen. this week i made oatmeal cookies and vacuumed out the seat cushions of the sofa. we're doing good!


Janeece said...'re doing good.

The Nits said...

Good to have you with us finally. This week Betsy mamaged to find a fruit loop, there innocence is gone! Samantha

SandyKay said...

Mmmm. I love my rotting banana collections (or, what they turn INTO, rather..). Is that the Williams Sonoma recipe you're using still? I love that one. Still the best one I've found. Mmmm. I was just trying to decide this morning what to do with my rotten bananas.

And Mom will be proud to see that you have your jumbo size Nestle semi-sweets handy!