Saturday, February 23, 2008

pacific science center bugs

john's dad got a fabulous pass to the pacific science center for the year and we've been able to enjoy many happy times there. lucy, jett, and i went this week with a group of friends and had, yet again, a great adventure. lucy loved it all. she's such a ball of energy that if she can go, she does. she especially seemed to be enamored by the insect/bug exhibit.

lucy has her shy moments, but her fascination with this hissing madagascar cockroach sent them all by the wayside. of the group of kids we were with, a majority being slightly older boys, lucy was the first to march up to pet this "sweet" creature.

one of my favorite things at the museum is the butterfly room; there is a glass case of cocoons which i especially love. i should have gotten a picture, but the cocoons are so amazingly crusty decayish looking and yet the shapes and colors of them are as unique and beautiful as the butterflies they are en-crusting. one looked as if it had been gold leafed and burnished. amazing.
in this picture i think lucy is trying to convince the butterfly to perch on her fingers.

and my favorite butterfly!

jett had a great time too. he crawls around everywhere and looks cute. he really really really (as lucy would say) liked the water play area. unfortunately, the protective smocks were longer than he is. luckily he couldn't reach high enough to splash himself too much.

ohhh! bright colored buttons that make noises!

here are some great shots from past science center adventures too-

lucy and isadora looking awfully cute in their matching leggings
(unplanned- believe it or not).

captain cousins in the cock pit.

the effect of the over-sized chair and table looses its effect on jetty.
everything is huge compared to him!

lucy loves her papa, and we love having him along to chase after her.
and for his fabulous company of course.

and the whole family in the crazy mirrors.
the one that makes me look super tall and thin was disturbingly pleasing.


Kalie said...

Lucy would love to go to work with my dad! When we were little we'd always take those hissing cochroaches for show-and-tell at school, and keep them as pets afterwards...

a little disturbing now that I look back on it...

Cindy Bean said...

Humphrey the Great! Who's daughter is Isadora?

kelly said...

isadora is lisa's oldest- she's about 8 months older than lucy.

The Nits said...

I LOVE the size of Jett's legs in that last picture. If only we had seen you sooner, Amanda and I went back to the mirror twice. Samantha

Amanda said...

We LOVED the mirror. I want to go back, just to get of picture of myself in that sucker!
Samantha and thought we would run into you all. We both are without cellphones, which would of made it so much easier to meet up with you guys.

SandyKay said...

FUN FUN! We need to go next time we're in Seattle. Lucy's got some cahoneys. Well, kind of. I don't know how to spell that word... Did it make your stomach turn to see your kid caressing a roach?

Ava's not into bugs, generally speaking, but last time we were home, she picked up one of those beetle shell things that stick to the side of mom and dad's house and carried it around like it was a toy. I had her bring it to Derek because I wanted to see if he would squeal. heehee.. Mean, I know. He was grossed out, but kept his cool.

SandyKay said...

By the way, it's cojones. I just read the word in a newspaper article. Spanish origin.

bug girl said...

Lucy is a girl after my own heart. I love the Pacific Science Center. It is one of my favorite science centers ever. I think they have a great bug exhibit.