Tuesday, February 19, 2008

rockin' video #1

here is our princess. a bit rough and tumble, a bit pirate loving, but never-the-less our rainbow, pony, flower obsessed, dress wearing, purse carrying, girly-girl. for instance, she has a drawer full of pajamas that she now refuses to wear. last week i coerced her into wearing a matching pair that i had gotten for her and jett. (something involving bribes and white lies...i'm not really proud). we woke up to her screaming in the middle of the night. sitting by her bed i gently asked her what was wrong, ready to soothe her back to sleep. she sobs, "mommy", sniff sniff sniff, "i want to be a princess", sniff sniff sniff, "i want my nightgown!"... the princess wins. to our pleasure, however, she still has her days when she wants to wear all black like daddy. to her pleasure, this means a stinkin' cute black knit dress with black leggings and shiny black "princess" shoes.


Cindy Bean said...

Finally you have a blog! This is my only form of communication with anyone anymore so now we can talk! You kids are a riot.

SandyKay said...

So stinkin' cute. I really want to get Lucy and Ava together for some Dance Fever. I just had an image of the two of them as 12-year olds dancing and giggling in their bedrooms, listening to... ? .. who knows what? Maybe some oldies, like Justin Timberlake. I'm bringing sexy back..ha.

actually, yikes. I'm a little scared to be the mother of a 12-year old.